ZRP launches operation no to touts in the country

ZRP aim to install public transport order

By Tatenda Matambo

Jun 27, 2024

Zimbabwe Republic Police National Spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has launched a comprehensive operation dubbed 'NO TO TOUTS' throughout the country to ensure that all touting activities by gangs are arrested and taken to court.

As on 20 June 2024, a total of 410 touts were arrested and taken to court for the law to take its course, ‘said Commissioner Paul Nyathi.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has engaged the Judicial Service Commission for all suspect arrested to appear in court in batches. In this regards no deposits no fines will be accepted at police station.

Public service vehicle operators and their crew are strongly warned against employing touts, the operators will also face the due consequences of the law if evidence points will not be spared,'' said Commissioner Paul Nyathi.

In the same vein, pirate taxis or mushikashika vehicles who are also using touts to perpetuate illegal activities such as picking and dropping passengers at undesignated points will not be spared.

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